Thursday, December 11, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
民主党终于8年媳妇熬成婆。 既然有郁闷的经济帮了竟选的大忙,那Obama 自然要那它开刀。 且不说政府到底能否有所做为,都先得把架势摆上,以免闲话。这自然少不了要定谁来唱戏。尽管Obama和Clinton夫妇在竞选中不怎么默契,但到用人时,Obama还得请出Clinton 的二朝老臣。
Robert Rubin 和 Larry Summers 都是Clinton 时期的财长。 John Podesta 是当时白宫幕僚长。 William Donaldson 是前安全交易委员会会长。 Laura Tyson 是前经济委员会顾问。 Paul Volcker 是前联邦储备银行主席。 Robert Reich 是前劳工部长。连Roger Ferguson 也是前联邦储备银行副主席。 剩下的, 不是民主党新星(Antonio Villaraigise 是现洛杉矶市长, Jennifer Granholm 是现密执根洲长, David Bonior 是前密执根洲国会议员),就是大财爷(Eric Schmidt 是Google 的首席执行官, Anne Mulcahy是Xerox 的首席执行官, Richard Parsons 是时代华纳的董事长, Penny Pritzker 是Hyatt 的董事长)。 当然,Obama 是要自己的多年好友加亲信Rahm Emanuel 来坐阵白宫幕僚长。
也许是 Berkshire Hathaway 上季度大幅度负盈利的利亏消息, 两边都讨好的股圣Warren Buffet 没有亲身出席, 但他也在Obama 的经济碰头会上。
问题是, 谁将出任Obama内阁的财长和经济委员会顾问两要职?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
California Coastline
Monday, October 20, 2008
Get Here (归来)
You can reach me by railway, you can reach me by trailway
You can reach me on an airplane, you can reach me with your mind
You can reach me by caravan, cross the desert like an Arab man
I don't care how you get here, just- get here if you can
我不管你怎样归来, 回到我身边只要你能
You can reach me by sailboat, climb a tree and swing rope to rope
Take a sled and slide down slow, into these arms of mine
You can jump on a speedy colt, cross the border in a blaze of hope
I don't care how you get here, just- get here if you can
我不管你怎样归来, 回到我身边只要你能
There are hills and mountains between us
Always something to get over
If I had my way, then surely you would be closer
I need you closer
You can windsurf into my life, take me up on a carpet ride
You can make it in a big balloon, but you better make it soon
You can reach me by caravan, cross the desert like an Arab man
I don't care how you get here, just- get here if you can
我不管你怎样归来, 回到我身边只要你能
I don't care, I dont care, I need you right here right now
I need you right
here, right now, right by my side (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I don't care how you get here, just- get here if you can.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Field of Gold (金色的原野)
Video By Stein
you ll remember me when the west wind moves
upon the fields of barley
you ll forget the sun in this jealous sky
as we walk in the fields of gold
so she took her love
for to gaze a while
upon the fields of barley
in his arms she fell as her hair came down
她跌入恋人的手臂间, 当长发融入
among the fields of gold
will you stay with me,will you be my love
你愿长随? 你愿做我的爱人?
among the fields of barley
we ll forget the sun in this jealous sky
as we lie in the fields of gold
see the west wind move like a lover so
upon the fields of barley
feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth
感觉到她的身体在飘动, 当你亲吻她的唇
among the fields of gold
i never made promises lightly
and there have been some that i ve broken
but i swear in the days stil left
we ll walk in the fields of gold
we ll walk in the fields of gold
many years have passed since those summer days
among the fields of barley
see the children run as the sun goes down
among the fields of gold
you ll remember me when the west wind moves
upon the fields of barley
you can tell the sun in this jealous sky
when we walked in the fields of gold
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Once in a Life Time --- My Song
<chorus> x2 there will be a big ride.
<chorus> x2 there will be a pony ride.
<chorus> x2 once in a lifetime!
<chorus> x2 there will be a big tide.
<chorus> x2 there will be a small side.
<chorus> there will be a roller-coaster ride.
<chorus> x2 once in a lifetime!
;soft; Someday in a lifetime there will be a big pie,
or further days in a lifetime there will be a big line.
<chorus> x2 there will be a big, bad lie.
<chorus> x2 there will be a big sad bye.
<chorus> x2 there will be a long sigh.
<chorus once in a lifetime!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Do you possess following "desirable" skills and experience?
- Tolerance of Ambiguity
Able to withhold actions or speech in the absence of important information; deal with unresolved situations, frequent change, delays, or unexpected events.
- Negotiating
Able to obtain agreement from multiple parties; earn trust while working out a deal; use good timing and carefully calculated strategies when bargaining; communicate high value of services; identify hidden agendas that might interfere with resolution of terms.
- Decision Making & Problem Solving
Able to take action in solving problems while exhibiting judgment and a realistic understanding of issues; able to use reason, even when dealing with emotional topics; review facts and weigh options.
- Influence & Persuasion
Able to convince others in both positive or negative circumstances; use tact when expressing ideas or opinions; present new ideas to authority figures; adapt presentations to suit a particular audience; respond to objections successfully.
- Teamwork
Able to share due credit with coworkers; display enthusiasm and promote a friendly group working environment; work closely with other departments as necessary; support group decisions and solicit opinions from coworkers; display team spirit.
- Relationship Management
Able to develop rapport with others and recognize their concerns and feelings; build and maintain long-term associations based on trust; help others.
- Communication
Able to clearly present information through the spoken or written word; read and interpret complex information; talk with customers or clients; listen well; present to all levels of the organization, clearly and concisely on issues, alternatives, and recommendations
- Experience
Able to to understand long-term (big picture) and short-term perspectives of situations; translate business needs into deployable solutions; apply multiple solutions to business problems
- Employment History
10+ years of experience in a Fortune 100 company
- Education
Master*s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related discipline, and equivalent, extensive, related experience. MBA and/or PhD preferred.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Mendenhall national glacier
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Beijing 2008 Marathon Video Clip
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
China Earthquake
Here are the places accepting donations:
America RedCross:
China RedCross:
...and many other charities of your choices.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Why we care so much about Tibet and Olympic today?
No matter what the monks were campaigning for, street riots and killing innocent did happen. That was wrong and had to be stopped forcefully. We should not blame governments for cracking down LA or Clichy-sous-Bois riots. What in this world we all suddenly cared about their freedom and soundly ignore the positive humanity advances being made there? Whenever Chinese Police made an arrest on anyone claimed to be a dissident, the new broke out on every front page. Why do we blindly oversight the wellbeing of the majority people live in that area? How come Darfur became a reason to boycott Beijing Olympic games? How much do we know about Falun Gong before mounting supports behind them?
If we respect so much about religious freedom then what is our government's excuse on launching raids on the polygamist church in Eldorado, TX just yesterday, where more than 200 women and children lived happy life there? Should we remember Timothy McVeigh as a hero and encourage more to follow suite? What in the world can our government justify Iraq invasion and threw Suni, Shia and Kut into daily bloodshed? Who is now concerned about their freedom and human rights?
The bottom line is that we can't tolerate a country such as China with different ideology to challenge our domination.
Do we have to insert a wedge in Middle East to stir up Arabic world. Do we have to expand NATO into former Soviet Union countries to irritate Russian? Did we have to bomb Yugoslavia into 4 countries and let them start another round of war? Do we have to beat the war drum against Iran? Does CIA really need to team up with Columbia rebels and mess with Hugo Chavez? Do we have to spend half of the tax dollars on military and leave our public schools with insufficient budget and 40% of fellow citizens without health insurance?
Who in this planet world is the axis of evil? Do we ever learn how to mind our own business?
We all sadly know that human history is a war history. If one day disputes have to be subjected with a war resolution then let us fight elegantly in battlefields. For the time being, we as human being should enjoy the brief peace and celebrate the Olympic spirit. May the Games add a few more rings to the tree of humanity.