Tibetans' average life span was about 50 years under Dalai before 1950s. This number has been steadily increasing to over 70 nowadays under Chinese. It was a pure slavery society then and punishments were extreme harsh. Human skins were taken from live young slaves for making drums for temple usages and young boys/girls were frequently sacrificed for religion ceremonies. Tibetans are now conveniently connected to the rest of the world by modern airports, railroads and communications.
No matter what the monks were campaigning for, street riots and killing innocent did happen. That was wrong and had to be stopped forcefully. We should not blame governments for cracking down LA or Clichy-sous-Bois riots. What in this world we all suddenly cared about their freedom and soundly ignore the positive humanity advances being made there? Whenever Chinese Police made an arrest on anyone claimed to be a dissident, the new broke out on every front page. Why do we blindly oversight the wellbeing of the majority people live in that area? How come Darfur became a reason to boycott Beijing Olympic games? How much do we know about Falun Gong before mounting supports behind them?
If we respect so much about religious freedom then what is our government's excuse on launching raids on the polygamist church in Eldorado, TX just yesterday, where more than 200 women and children lived happy life there? Should we remember Timothy McVeigh as a hero and encourage more to follow suite? What in the world can our government justify Iraq invasion and threw Suni, Shia and Kut into daily bloodshed? Who is now concerned about their freedom and human rights?
The bottom line is that we can't tolerate a country such as China with different ideology to challenge our domination.
Do we have to insert a wedge in Middle East to stir up Arabic world. Do we have to expand NATO into former Soviet Union countries to irritate Russian? Did we have to bomb Yugoslavia into 4 countries and let them start another round of war? Do we have to beat the war drum against Iran? Does CIA really need to team up with Columbia rebels and mess with Hugo Chavez? Do we have to spend half of the tax dollars on military and leave our public schools with insufficient budget and 40% of fellow citizens without health insurance?
Who in this planet world is the axis of evil? Do we ever learn how to mind our own business?
We all sadly know that human history is a war history. If one day disputes have to be subjected with a war resolution then let us fight elegantly in battlefields. For the time being, we as human being should enjoy the brief peace and celebrate the Olympic spirit. May the Games add a few more rings to the tree of humanity.
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