Saturday, August 30, 2008

Do you possess following "desirable" skills and experience?

- Tolerance of Ambiguity
Able to withhold actions or speech in the absence of important information; deal with unresolved situations, frequent change, delays, or unexpected events.

- Negotiating
Able to obtain agreement from multiple parties; earn trust while working out a deal; use good timing and carefully calculated strategies when bargaining; communicate high value of services; identify hidden agendas that might interfere with resolution of terms.

- Decision Making & Problem Solving
Able to take action in solving problems while exhibiting judgment and a realistic understanding of issues; able to use reason, even when dealing with emotional topics; review facts and weigh options.

- Influence & Persuasion
Able to convince others in both positive or negative circumstances; use tact when expressing ideas or opinions; present new ideas to authority figures; adapt presentations to suit a particular audience; respond to objections successfully.

- Teamwork
Able to share due credit with coworkers; display enthusiasm and promote a friendly group working environment; work closely with other departments as necessary; support group decisions and solicit opinions from coworkers; display team spirit.

- Relationship Management
Able to develop rapport with others and recognize their concerns and feelings; build and maintain long-term associations based on trust; help others.

- Communication
Able to clearly present information through the spoken or written word; read and interpret complex information; talk with customers or clients; listen well; present to all levels of the organization, clearly and concisely on issues, alternatives, and recommendations

- Experience
Able to to understand long-term (big picture) and short-term perspectives of situations; translate business needs into deployable solutions; apply multiple solutions to business problems

- Employment History
10+ years of experience in a Fortune 100 company

- Education
Master*s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related discipline, and equivalent, extensive, related experience. MBA and/or PhD preferred.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Mendenhall national glacier

...near Juneau Alaska. This glacier retreats 2 foot every day during summer months. It forms a water fall at the edge of the picture to feed to the Mendenhall Lake. The turquoise lake water is due to glacier melt sediment. Sockeye salmons spawn at the creeks nearby.